Month: September 2015


So, hey there. A tip of the porkpie hat to you! Take off your tramp’s shoes, hang up your derby and pull up a chair. We’re going to have some laughs and share some memories.

This site is a new blog dedicated to the classic clowns of the golden era of laughter. For me, that era was from the 1910s through to the 1950s. Silent Comedy, sound shorts, music hall, radio… In the words of The Kinks, “God save Donald Duck, Vaudeville and Variety”.

You’ll find a selection of articles, rare photos and film clips from these great performers. As well as the classics -Chaplin, Keaton, Laurel and Hardy – I’m fascinated by the fringes of the industry. Neglected and forgotten performers, who brushed greatness but whose names have not endured. Many of these now seem dated; some of them do not transcend cultural barriers. Some were dubious in the first place! But, amongst them, were some perfect fools, magical acrobats, superb pantomimists, skilled filmmakers and witty wordsmiths who still can provide so much entertainment. Charley Chase, Lupino Lane, Lloyd Hamilton, Harry Langdon, Will Hay, George Formby, Mabel Normand, Dan Leno, Clark and McCullough, Alice Howell, Jack Hulbert, Roscoe Arbuckle, Anita Garvin, Charley Bowers, Jerry Drew, Max Linder, Poodles Hanneford, Walter Forde…. the list goes on.

There are plenty of silent film and comedy blogs out there, but I’d like to broaden the spectrum here. Vaudeville, Music Hall, Variety, Broadway and the film industries of many countries all interlocked to provide the greatest of comic tapestries. I plan to cover performers from all these arenas, and hopefully give some new insights on their talents and connections. At the same time, there will be room for the more famous performers, but with a special focus on their lesser known works; Buster Keaton in the talkie era, for instance.

I’ve actually been compiling articles of this nature for a while, published in other film fanzines, and especially through the thrice yearly e-zine MOVIE NIGHT, which I edit. More on that soon!

I’ll be uploading some articles soon, but if you’ve stumbled across here early, drop a line and let me know what you’d be interested in reading about!

God bless all clowns
Who star the world with laughter.
Who ring the rafters, with flying jest.
Who make the world spin merrily on its way,
And somehow add more beauty to each day.
God bless all clowns
So poor the world would be,
Lacking their piquant touch, hilarity.
The belly-laughs, the ringing lovely mirth,
That makes a friendly place of earth.
God bless all clowns
Give them a good long life.
Make bright their way, a race apart.
We love them most who turn their secret pain,
Into a dazzling jest to lift the heart.
God bless all clowns.